Chair-Based Yoga Classes

GRDP has a number of classes for older adults which are entirely chair-based, or suitable also for participants to do on a chair.

Current classes (some of which are suspended because of the pandemic):

  • Single Homeless Project
  • Castlehaven
  • New Horizons
  • Cecil and Central
  • Elmgrove House
  • Better Lives
  • Sycamore House
  • Second Half Centre
  • Lawrence Centre (older adults with dementia)
  • Fairfield House (older adults with dementia)


Chair-Based Yoga Youtube Channel

The Chair Yoga Channel was set up during the first Covid lockdown so that participants of our face to face classes, would have something they could safely do whilst sheltering at home.

Chair Yoga was chosen because it is the safest form of yoga for people to do unsupervised, and the most inclusive form of yoga (suitable for the widest range of client groups). GRDP invited and supported teachers to record themselves teaching a single class and then we compiled all the classes that were sent in onto a YouTube channel.




Chair-Based Yoga Specialist Teacher Training

Raghurai Singh’s Specialist Training for Kundalini Yoga Teachers