• bringing out the
    light in everyone

    Discover the benefits Kundalini
    yoga can bring into your organisation.

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  • Everyone in our
    society deserves to

    Experience the perks of
    Kundalini Yoga and meditation.

    Discover how

  • shine in the
    service of others

    Build up your teaching hours
    by sharing the energy
    of Kundalini Yoga with
    others in need.

    start teaching


The Guru Ram Das Project (GRDP)

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga

GRDP is a UK based Yoga Charity set-up with the aim of improving the mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing of the community. Our primary activity is teaching Kundalini Yoga and Meditation to vulnerable people.

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Vulnerable people

Vulnerable people

Client groups are very variable and include people struggling with addiction, those in temporary housing, older adults (including dementia sufferers), young people, mental health service users and people with chronic health conditions.

Discover our work

Accessible yoga classes

Accessible yoga classes

We specialise in setting up classes, running courses and workshops and supporting teachers to teach those for whom ordinary public classes would be unsuitable or inaccessible. We set-up a Chair Yoga Channel during the first Covid lockdown.

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Treated for

alcohol addiction

I was introduced to Yoga, for the first time in my life at the age of 50. Within the first few minutes of my first session, I knew that I would enjoy this type of Yoga and could immediately recognise the benefits it would have on my overall well being and my alcohol addiction recovery. I was right. From the disciplines of chanting, to the physical exercises I soon looked forward to the weekly sessions and did not miss a session in the 14 weeks that I attended.

Seva Simran Kaur


I was a few years at Crisis, working with homeless clients. I also taught for Angel Drugs and spent six weeks at Holloway Prison covering for a teacher. It has always been my experience that clients come to class because they want change. Feedback from students has been rich and positive. Most clients find they can relax better and when they practise conscious breathing they feel themselves slowing down.

Carmen Alcovedes

Activities Coordinator / Age UK Islington

They immediately came back to us with options and ideas… (The Yoga Teacher) is knowledgeable, responsible, warm and always pointing out options for the group to follow. …(Participants) find the class relaxing and calming and look forward to joining in every week. It has been a pleasure to work alongside GRDP.